“Cures” for Sore Nipples

It’s no surprise that there are dozens of “cures” out there for sore nipples. In my lactation practice, nipple pain is the most common reason that mothers seek help. The only real way to “cure” sore nipples, however, is to fix the underlying cause. It’s usually a faulty latch that causes the problem in the first place. Once the latch is corrected, nipples feel better. Usually the results are immediate.

Some antibiotics and prescription medications can be helpful for badly damaged nipples, but nothing can eliminate the pain completely until the latch problem has been resolved. In your efforts to find relief, you may find remedies promising to cure sore nipples. Often these remedies are useless—or even harmful. Continue reading

Lactation Consultant Red Flags!

Help for sore nipples.

Help for sore nipples.

Lactation consultants are specialists in the art and science of breastfeeding. They must have 100’s, often 1000’s of hours of clinical experience before earning the title, IBCLC. (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) If you’re having trouble breastfeeding, or if you just want to avoid trouble down the road, hiring a lactation consultant can be very helpful. But how do you know if a particular lactation consultant has the experience and skills to help you? Continue reading

Ten Reasons to Call a Lactation Consultant


Help for sore nipples.

Help for sore nipples.

Breastfeeding should be enjoyable for you and your baby! If either one of you is not having a good time, something is not right. As a new mom, you have instincts to guide you. Your baby has instincts and very strong reflexes to guide him. But neither one of you has ever done this before and, most likely, you have never seen a baby breastfeeding. It’s likely you will need some help.

Contact a lactation consultant immediately if you experience any of the following: Continue reading