Tongue Tie/Frenotomy Resources

Helpful Links


General Information

Beebe, R. Fit to be Tied: A Visual Resource for Parents, Self Published, 2023.

Tongue-tie. In The Dictionary. Retrieved January 25, 2020, from

Cathy Watson Genna, BS, IBCLC

Bobby Ghaheri, MD

Larry Kotlow, DDS
A Textbook Atlas: Breastfeeding Should be Fun and Enjoyable

Mayo clinic definition and treatment

Brian Palmer, DDS

Loeta Robles, DDS

Aftercare Videos

Renee Beebe, M. Ed, IBCLC

Dr. Marilyn Brodeur

Dr. Bobby Ghaheri

Virtual Body Work for Infants

Carol Gray, Body Worker and Body worker instructor.

Michael Hahn, Body Worker 

Consequences of Not Releasing

Tongue Tie–From Confusion to Clarity Photo Gallery.


Tongue Tie and Breastfeeding

Baxter, Richard, et al. Tongue-Tied: How a Tiny String under the Tongue Impacts Nursing, Feeding, Speech, and More. Alabama Tongue-Tie Center, 2018.

Journal Articles

Fernando, Carmen. Tongue Tie– from Confusion to Clarity: a Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Ankyloglossia. Tandem Publications, 1998.

Ghaheri, Bobak A., et al. “Breastfeeding Improvement Following Tongue‐Tie and Lip‐Tie Release: A Prospective Cohort Study.” The Laryngoscope, vol. 127, no. 5, 2016, pp. 1217–1223., doi:10.1002/lary.26306.

Griffiths, D. Mervyn. “Do Tongue Ties Affect Breastfeeding?” Journal of Human Lactation, vol. 20, no. 4, 2004, pp. 409–414., doi:10.1177/0890334404266976

Lip Ties and Breastfeeding

Patel, Prayag S., et al. “Upper Lip Frenotomy for Neonatal Breastfeeding Problems.” International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, vol. 124, 2019, pp. 190–192., doi:10.1016/j.ijporl.2019.06.008.

Rizeq Nakhash, Natanel Wasserteil, Francis B. Mimouni, Yair M. Kasirer, Cathy Hammerman, and Alona Bin-Nun “Upper Lip Tie and Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review” Breastfeeding Medicine 2019 14:2, 83-87


Berg-Drazin, Patricia, IBCLC, RLC, CST, “IBCLCs and Craniosacral Therapists” Clinical Lactation, Vol 7, Issue 3, DOI: 10.1891/2158-0782.7.3.92

Hazelbaker, Alison K., PhD, IBCLC, FILCA, “The Impact of Craniosacral Therapy/Cranial Osteopathy on Breastfeeding” Clinical Lactation, Vol 11, Issue 1, , DOI: 10.1891/2158-0782.11.1.21

Miller, Joyce, BS, DC, PhD, “Breastfeeding Support Team: When to Add a Chiropractor” Clinical Lactation, Vol 1, Issue 1, DOI: 10.1891/2158-0782.11.1.7

Dental Issues and Tongue Tie

Hang, William M., and Michael Gelb. “Airway Centric® TMJ Philosophy/Airway Centric® Orthodontics Ushers in the Post-Retraction World of Orthodontics.” Cranio®, vol. 35, no. 2, 2016, pp. 68–78., doi:10.1080/08869634.2016.1192315.

Mechanical and Social Effects of Tongue Tie

Gutkowski, Shirley, and Timbrey Lind. “‘Evaluation of a Tongue-Tie: The Range of Motion of the Tongue Should Be Assessed in All Patients.” StackPath, 2016

Lalakea, M. “Ankyloglossia: the Adolescent and Adult Perspective.” Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, vol. 128, no. 5, 2003, pp. 746–752., doi:10.1016/s0194-5998(03)00258-4.

Sucrose as Pain Management

Stevens B, Yamada J, Ohlsson A, Haliburton S, Shorkey A. Sucrose for analgesia in newborn infants undergoing painful procedures. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD001069. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001069.pub5

Post Procedure Care

Cole, M., Ligh, R. Q., & Liddicoat, M. (2023). Navigating Post-Frenectomy Wound Care. Decisions in Dentistry, 9(9), 28-31.