Is This Medication Safe for Breastfeeding? (Updated, 3/14/2021)

“Infant formula is almost always more hazardous for the mother and baby than is breast milk with a tiny amount of medication.”

The vast majority of medications, whether over the counter (OTC) or prescription, are considered safe for breastfeeding. Still, many breastfeeding people wean unnecessarily when taking a medication. Why is this the case?

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My Baby Has Reflux!

Baby with tight frenulum.  No tongue elevation present.“My pediatrician says my baby has reflux! She says there are medications to help. I really don’t want my baby to take medicine. He’s so little. But I also don’t want him to suffer and spit up so much. What should I do? Can you help me?”

Although the diagnosis of reflux seems ominous, keep in mind that all babies have reflux to some degree. The sphincter muscle that separates the stomach and the esophagus is loose and lets fluids go back and forth. That’s why it’s common for babies to spit up after a meal. If your baby seems uncomfortable, however, he may need some help.

I see many babies diagnosed with reflux in my practice. I have found that some simple changes in feeding posture or management can decrease symptoms substantially. Most of my clients do not need to medicate their babies. Continue reading