Filing a Claim with your Insurance


You are encouraged to file a claim for third party reimbursement. By filing a claim, you may receive partial or full reimbursement and you help to establish the need for reimbursement of lactation services. You may find it helpful to contact your insurance company first. Some companies have specific forms that they require you to fill out when filing a claim on your own and most companies have a filing time limit. The following details will get you started.  Continue reading

Think Lactation Consultants are Expensive?

 10580213_10203228359002618_6651418701367509838_nYour breastfeeding adventure is likely to have some bumps and twists and turns along the way. Some challenges, if not addressed promptly, can lead to complete cessation of breastfeeding. That’s where the IBCLC comes in. The lactation consultant in private practice bridges the gap between the place of birth and ongoing success with breastfeeding. Continue reading