
I am a lactation consultant in private practice based in Seattle, Washington.
I have been helping moms breastfeed for almost 20 years.  Much has changed since 1990, but babies are still the same–they still want and need to breastfeed.

With the advent of the internet, new parents are inundated with information. Some of it valuable–most of it confusing, misleading and contradictory. This blog is an attempt to dispel myths and provide usable information about all things breastfeeding.  Please read, share, comment and enjoy!  You may also visit and “like” my facebook page for frequent updates, events and informative information from other authors. www.facebook.com/thesecond9months.

Click here to learn how to know if your baby is getting enough milk.

Renee Beebe, M.Ed., IBCLC

Need help with breastfeeding? www.second9months.com

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