A Perfect Latch

Perfect Latch in Football Hold

Here is a beautiful example of a football hold latch. This baby is just 5 days old, but he knows exactly what to do! (Yes his skin is a little yellow, but he’s vigorous, gaining well and his pediatrician is not concerned.)

How do we know this latch is perfect?

His nose is tilted away from mom’s breast.

His chin is tucked in firmly to the underside of the breast. Continue reading

Let Your Baby Lead with the Latch!

As a mother, you want to help your baby breastfeed. But often our help results in uncomfortable, ineffective breastfeeding. Many of you have already experienced the “help” of a well-intentioned nurse or lactation consultant who forces a baby to the breast against his will. Ramming a baby to the breast will only result in frustration and tears for everyone. In addition, a baby treated this way may learn to avoid the breast altogether.

Healthy newborns are equipped with instincts and reflexes that facilitate breastfeeding. Continue reading